Search Results for: wallpaper

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

Well, it’s official. Our house is for sale and things are feeling strange! Hopefully you’ve been following along on Instagram stories because this past week has been a doozy. We’ve been scrambling to cross approximately 8 million projects off of our to-do list, plus get our house clean and show-ready, and we managed to make…

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

With the patio officially all done (I finished the grill area, just need to photograph it!), it’s finally time to turn our attention to the back porch and I’m so excited to get started! I’m going to be spending some time this weekend brainstorming ideas, and I’ll be over on Instagram next week sharing some…

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

Happy happy Friday! This was the first full week of summer in our house (Jackson’s preschool gets out a few weeks earlier than the local school district) and I’m feeling proud of us for a great first week! I always get a bit nervous about the long stretch of time with no school or structure,…

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

It’s officially summer in our house – Jackson’s preschool gets out a couple of weeks before the local school district, so we had his graduation this week. My heart can barely handle it! I want to thank y’all so much for all of your excitement on our summer makeover – there were so many votes…