
Dining Room Updates

Dining Room Updates

We haven’t shown our dining room a lot of love in the last year since we finished it – it was high time for an update! Here are some small changes we’ve made, plus a peek at how we entertain in our small dining room. It was right around this time last year that Corey…

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

Haaaaappy Friday! What are you up to this weekend? We’re having some friends over tomorrow for a game day, and I’m hoping to get a couple of projects started too (because, when am I not working on at least 3 different projects?!). We also get to start work on fixing our back fence, which was…

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

We came home from our family vacation on Sunday to find that our rose bushes had absolutely exploded with blooms! We have five rose bushes that line our side fence, and two of them are completely covered right now – the other three look like they’re getting ready to burst as well, so I’ll definitely…